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Our Leadership

The Reverend Mark E. Waldo, Jr.


The Rev. Mark Waldo came to St. Michael’s in the spring of 2005. The Waldo name is well-known in the region as Mark’s father was the rector at the Episcopal Church of the Ascension in Montgomery for 28 years. Mark recalls many youthful afternoons at Robinson Springs in Millbrook, visiting and playing with childhood friends. After gaining a B.A. degree in education and music, Mark attended Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria. He spent five years as minister at St. Alban’s Church in Murrysville, PA, before moving to St. Patrick’s in Annandale, VA, where he was director of children’s ministries. “I work well with people to create ideas and to support well those who make ideas become reality,” says Mark. “I believe God calls forth the best in each of us and calls us to see the best in each other.” To learn more about Mark’s arrival at St. Michael’s, you can read this article from the Montgomery Advertiser.

Walter Dodd, Verger


A verger is a "lay minister who assists the clergy in the conduct of public worship, especially in the marshaling of processions." (  Our verger, Walter Dodd, has been an active member of St. Michael's for several years.  As part of his commitment to service, he has assumed this very special role in our church.


Virginia Barber '23, Sr. Warden

Teri Martin '23

Karen Thompson Smith '23

Lynn Drew '24

Walter Dodd '24

Joe Rittner '24

Dan Fells '25, Jr. Warden

Michele Reeves '25

Nancy Roy '25

Other Ministers

Sheila Anderson, Administrative Assistant,


Anita Roberson, Organist 

Betsy Roberts, Sacristan

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