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We believe we are called to nurture an environment of acceptance and joy so that all may find and be transformed by grace.

Ministries allow us to create an environment that extends God's love to all.  Here are some ways we nurture that love...

Financial Giving


The most traditional form of giving is the "life blood" of our church allowing us to be able to enjoy services and to have the infrastructure for our other ministries.  Pledged (annual) and non-pledged (offering plate) donations are welcome.  If you desire to make a legacy gift via a will or trust, please speak directly with the Rector to coordinate this gift.



Lectors read the lessons from Scripture during the worship service. These ministers regard the readings as the Word of the Lord. They prepare, pray, and reverently read the words from the Bible.  Lectors take care to be heard and to give vitality to these ancient texts without bringing attention to themselves.

Pastoral Care Team


Members of the Pastoral Care team are attentive to the pastoral and daily life needs of the parish family, especially those going through a challenging time such as illness, unexpected hardship or death of a family member.  Team members work with the Rector to offer appropriate support through meals, visits, cards and more.



Acolytes assist the clergy in worship and provide a worshipful presence. They light candles, guide the processions, present the offers, and join in the “invitation to communion” by holding up the elements at the table. We begin training acolytes at age 8.



Being part of our choir is a ministry of leadership in the liturgy—to lead the congregation in singing hymns and to lend beauty and depth to the sung portions of the worship service.  Rehearsals tend to be spiritually uplifting, engaging, and fun.

Fellowship & Hospitality Team


The Coffee Hour that follows our 10 AM service is our primary ministry of hospitality and community fellowship. Families or individuals in this ministry rotate responsibilities for providing light snacks following the service. These gracious folks provide the snacks and beverages (beyond coffee) and clean up afterwards—washing dishes, sweeping as needed, taking out the garbage, putting the cans on the curb.

Welcome Team


Welcome Team members serve by identifying and welcoming newcomers to St. Michael's and by helping them get connected to the life of the parish.  Visiting a church for the first time can be an intimidating experience.  A friendly face eto offer guidance, answer questions and provide gracious hospitality can make all the difference.

Buildings & Grounds Team


Not the least of the teams, the role of the Buildings and Grounds team is to to take care of the church property and buildings so they may continue to be a place of beauty, worship and community.  If you can mow, prune, plant, paint, repair or install, then you have the right skills for this team.

If you're interested in any of the ministries above, don't hesitate to jump in where you are and nurture the environment around you. You are the church. 

Altar Guild


The Altar Guild maintains and arranges everything needed to for worship, including setting the table for Eucharist, posting hymn numbers, preparing and hanging clergy vestments, arranging for flowers, setting out candles, and polishing brass. This ministry is one of sensitivity, beauty, sacredness, and elbow grease.

Lay Eucharistic Minister


This ministry is one of appreciation for the mystery of the Eucharist and a deep sense of compassion and respect for those who come forward to receive Holy Communion at the altar.  The LEMs often lead the prayers of the people, assist at the altar, and administer the consecrated wine in the chalice/cup.

Flower Guild


The Flower Guild offers dedication and creativity to the beauty of worship at St. Michael's by arranging flowers for Sunday services, and by decorating the church for Easter and Christmas.  Flowers are donated by parishioners in memory or thanksgiving.

Communications Team


Members of the Communication Team work together to develop and improve how we communicate the details of the life of the parish to members and the community around us using creativity and technology.  This ministry involves the development and upkeep of the church's website, the parish directory, social media presence, and parish newsletter.



The Ushers serve as greeters for worship services, and facilitate the mechanics of the services.  Duties include handing out bulletins, identifying seating spaces, counting the number of people present, presenting the bread and wine at offertory, passing the offering plate for the collection, straightening the church after worship, and counting the offering for the church treasurer.

Outreach Team


Members of the outreach team dream up, plan, organize, and lead service projects throughout the year that help  us live into our call the be the hands and feet of Christ in the world -- to feed the hungry, shelter the vulnerable, and visit those in prison.

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